30 May 2009


Okay, I am once again adding to my blog about the 23 things.
So far I am enjoying the Delicious account and have been using the RSS feeds on my igoogle account for ages. I have been the creator/administrator of 4 wikis for years now, and add to several blogs. But I still see no reason for my own blog ... who knows it may come in handy later.

20 May 2009

RSS feeds

Wow, I have had an igoogle homepage on my laptop for years. It is perfect for traveling to other libraries, research centers and cemeteries keeping all the best of bookmarks, and keeping up with the Pittsburgh news as well as world news. All this time I was using RSS feeds and never knew it! It is soooo simple.
You were correct when you said it was adictive. I will have to check my igoogle page more often, I added a few more.
Well, my laptop and I are off to Harrisburg for some research. I will be in the PA State Museum and Archives and hope to get into the darkened State Library ...

12 May 2009

Well, here is my first self created blog.
Easy, "fun" but what the heck am I going to use it for -- I already am the caretaker for 4 wiki.
Oh well ...
Maybe I can open it for people to add their favorite genealogy web sites.
This is a possibility, I'll mull it over.

Drat, it thinks I can't spell my own name!