08 August 2009


Suzie, you can put the rough draft of the minutes here in the main body. We can send the word to all the BOD members that the minutes will be up in 5 days from the meeting. They then can then comment on the minutes. This would give everyone a chance to make comments and the final minutes would then be printed off for the Official Recording Sec. Book.

Making a blog is easy and the gmail account is easy to set up and use.

Try to add a comment to this and see how easy it is ...

We may have found a way to get it to everyone and not miss someone in the e-mail list.... It would not be the fault of anyone except the member who did not look!!!!

I will gladly set one up if you want to try and see how the members like it... let me know.


  1. Wow, I didn't even sign in to my account. Maybe I'm permanently signed in. Is that possible?
    Wait! It's not possible. I can write the comment, but can't post it. Now I'm signed in and we'll see if it works.

    I love the name of your blog and I think you should go public with it.

  2. I loved you saying, 'making a blog is easy!' Yay, LESLE!!!!
