23 June 2009

Facebook week 8

I updated an old (unused) Facebook account and, as Mary Poppins would say, "spit-spot" several of my genealogy world friends "friended" me. Several of the genealogy database sites have "Facebook" accounts linked to their data. One of the most popular is "We're related." I just learned of a new one "Word Press" and am going to investigate at lunch today.
The question is -- Why do we need all these electronic ways to publish ourselves? What is so wrong with sitting down and talking face to face? The Teens will sit at computers and text the person sitting next to them. Why do people feel others are interested in their lives so much that they have to "Twitter" what they are eating?
Don't get me wrong, I do understand that there are good solid reasons for these "services" but I am very afraid that humans will not be able to maintain human contact any more, that everything will be remote and through electronic devices.
Enough reflection and rant -- back to reality and lunch!

1 comment:

  1. Mmm...lunch...hope it's a tasty one!

    I worry, too, about our ability to communicate and connect with each other offline. I don't worry so much about people who already communicate offline and then start using tech tools - my concern are the people who use tech tools and never got good offline socialization!

    In a perfect world, it would be a balance of the in-person and the electronic. I would like to see that happen, and I'm hoping that if I'm willing to be out there in electronic world, people who are happier there will be willing to meet me halfway and interact offline...
